Monochromatic color scheme. From colorpedia. Various shades within a monochromatic color scheme, and their Mutual contrast. Monochromatic is a color scheme based on only one, single color tint. It uses only variation of a single hue, made by altering the saturation and brightness of the base color. In this picture two gentleman are standing with wearing two different monochromatic color scheme dresses. The right hand side guy is wearing a grey coat-suit and he is looking very handsome by wearing this dress. On the other hand gentleman is wearing a navy blue color coat suit he is looking so smart in this outfit.Moreover he is wearing alight blue color shirt under the coat and he is standing in a great posture he put both hands in pocket.

Analogous are groups of three colors that are the next to each other on the color wheel, sharing a common color with one being the dominant color, which tends to be a primary or secondary color, and a tertiary. Red,Orange and red-orange. This picture is shows that three gentlemen wearing a different colorful out fits. Each gentleman is wearing different color combination that are yellow with sky blue, green with purple and grey with light sky-blue.

Complementary is a color scheme using one base color and its compliment, the color on the exact opposite side of the color wheel. the base color is main and dominant, while the complementary s used only as an accent. A combination of one warm and one cold color is always created . we can see in this picture two boys are standing in the picture by wearing a good combination dresses one boy is wearing a orange outfit he is looking very smart by wearing this outfit as well it is also my favorite color. On the other hand guy is wearing a sky blue color with very good fitting. Both are very handsome.

Split complementary is a color scheme using one base color and two secondary colors. Instead of using a complementary color , two color placed symmetrically around it on the color wheel are used.
This picture shows three girls wearing different dresses all are looking very beautiful by wearing these dresses. The first girl is wearing a maroon color dress but the color of arms are orange.Second girl is wearing apurple color dress and last girl is wearing a coloful dress.

Tetradic (double complementary) color scheme. Examples: The tetradic (double complementary) scheme is the richest of all the schemes because it uses fourcolors arranged into two complementary color pairs.The girl standing in outfit is wearing a beautiful outfit.she is wearing agreen color pant and purple color short top and orange color shrub over the top.the color combination of dress is very beautiful.
It is composed of a root color and two or more nearby colors. It forms the basis for a color scheme, and in practice many color schemes are a combination of analogous and complementary harmonies in order to achieve both visual interest through variety, chromatic stability, and tension through contrast.
Our visual experiences need to have a logical structure in order for us to understand them. Color harmony provides that structure. Harmony itself is simply a pleasing arrangement of different things. Thus, color harmony is easily defined as the combining of colors in order to produce a pleasing effect.
There are many principles indesign which can contribute to establishing a strong focal point. For instance contrast of color, text and size can play a key role in creating a good focal point. In fact, contrast is so important we dedicated an entire article to it.